Category: Missions

Guatemala for Spring Break!

Dear Friends, I hope that you’re doing well and enjoyed the holidays with your family and friends. I’m very excited to tell you about an opportunity I have this coming Spring Break to go on an humanitarian aid trip to Guatemala that I would like for you to partner with me through prayer and/or financially.…
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Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret

I finished this book about two weeks ago. I was planning to write one of my book reviews but I got lazy. This is the first Christian biography I’ve ever read and I honestly think it’s one of the most amazing bios i’ve read ever. Hudson Taylor was one of the most prominent missionaries into…
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This is Discipling

I really loved this video. It really sums up a lot of what I’ve been learning in college and what I have been trying to live out in my life. Love God. Love People. Make Disciples.

My Goals for the Summer of 2010

Hey there, So i never actually talked about my summer on here after I got back and what i learned about it. i actually can’t tell you some of the stuff but i can tell you what i learned on this trip though. before we arrive in East Asia we were supposed to write about…
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So I’m in the house of my summer project leader. Okay, back up. So I’m a part of Campus Crusade for Christ here at Cornell and yes, I’m a Christian. haha. I’m going on a summer project to the Far East. A summer project is basically a missions trip. I’m just really excited right now.…
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