What if?

What if?

I’ve been thinking lately and I don’t like it when I think too hard sometimes haha, especially about things that affect my life to a good degree. I tend to have a sick feeling in my stomach until i get over it, because this isn’t the mere “what am i having for dinner” dilemma. I’ve been having a good dose of conversations about religion and life with one of my best friends. It’s actually usually what we always talk about. I’ve known him since before we got into high school and have been debating the whole thing even on our daily rides to school. Interesting thing is, we’re both in college now, and to a certain degree smarter and maybe, more philosophical haha. I’ve also had other conversations with different people along the way during this break which has also helped me in my thinking process and sometimes deter it haha

So the big question? How come my friend and I always come back to this topic, even after so many years? Because it matters, our lives literally depend on it.

What if the God of the Bible DOES EXIST?

If He doesn’t, this life is it man. Why the hell am i wasting my time and energy, going to church, reading the bible, going to bible study, yada yada. Why listen to my parents, why stay at home, why help people, why not go into business and screw everyone over, why not screw every girl, why not get drunk all the time, why not date a thousand girls and break all their hearts, why not jump off of buildings, WHY NOT ENJOY EVERY SINGLE SECOND I HAVE LEFT OF THIS LIFE? I ONLY HAVE ONE LIFE. TIME TO PARTY IT UP MAN. lol, i remember my friend and i were talking one time and he said that most teenagers have had sex by 16 (we were 17 at the time) and commenting on how we were slow haha

If He does? And He really does want this relationship with me? OH MAN…I better listen up then. Because, then the God of the universe has found favor with me to be in this relationship with Him. He has chosen me to represent Him as His son or daughter, to bring Him glory in this lifetime and the eternity to come. That means that there really is a heaven and a hell, that Jesus actually did die for all my sins on the cross so that I can have this relationship with Him. That means that my academics, my job, my family, what i do in life, is nothing compared to what God has in store for me.

We’ve been given one life, this is the one question we do have to answer before we die, because our lives actually do depend on it.

Let’s bring the existence of God back to the forefront of conversations, cuz its back on the top of mine these days.

Hope you’re thinking about it, would love to know what you think too.

2 Responses

  1. Jamie Tsai says:

    good question! I think about it a lot too

  2. Ruth says:

    It is a very hard and important question to ask yourself. I know I feel the same way when it comes to questions like this. I don’t like thinking about it but I have some to realize that one must decide for himself where he stands. In order for people to understand why we stand where we stand we have to face why we do and explain it. Some of the bible makes no sense to me but I know its true and the God who wrote it loves me and everyone who lives on this earth. Makes life worth something. Who really wants to have a meaningless life?

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