Tag: religion

The gospel is AMAZING

This video is simply amazing and moving. To summarize really quickly, there was a missionary family that went to this tribe in Papua, Indonesia to preach the gospel. At some point they left, and now they are returning fifty years after they first arrived with their children who are all grown up. You can see…
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Senior! Nothing but the Blood!

Dude, I’m done with my last final! I’m a senior!! This is awesomely crazy! I don’t want to think too much about how I did on my finals, I’m just super glad that I’m done with them. I had my Governing China final tonight and praise God it was actually pretty short, and somewhat easy.…
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It’s no kind of religion at all

“In a sermon Dick Lucas once preached, he recounted an imaginary conversation between an early Christian and her neighbor in Rome. “Ah,” the neighbor says. “I hear you are religious! Great! Religion is a good thing. Where is your temple or holy place?” “We don’t have a temple,” replies the Christian. “Jesus is our temple.”…
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