Tag: Jesus

Valentine’s Day 2011

Lol Valentine’s Day. It comes every year, and to some, its happyness day, to some it’s “the stupid marketing” day (aka. this day sucks) haha. I remember Valentine’s Day in elementary school. The teacher said that if we wanted to make cards for some girl, we would have to make cards for all the girls…
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It’s no kind of religion at all

“In a sermon Dick Lucas once preached, he recounted an imaginary conversation between an early Christian and her neighbor in Rome. “Ah,” the neighbor says. “I hear you are religious! Great! Religion is a good thing. Where is your temple or holy place?” “We don’t have a temple,” replies the Christian. “Jesus is our temple.”…
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Are You a Slave?

So yesterday I checked my mail and I got two surprises. Praise God for both of them. The first was a book titled “The Wonderful Spirit Filled Life.” I thought that it was one of my books for class, which still hasnt arrived yet, crapperuni. But when i opened it, i was so confused, I…
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Butt kicking

I guess I’ve been in need of some serious butt kicking lately. In a lot of different things. From family to academics to my relationship with God. I really need to work on my relationship with my family. Sometimes its fun telling people that i have 6 siblings, but that they’re from different parents. But…
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The Perfect Date

Okay, so Iris Lam asked me if she could suggest the next topic for my blog and i said sure, I’m bored, I need something to write about anyways, since all i’ve got lined up are rap songs :] What would you say is the perfect date? So that’s the question, when she first told…
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