
Moldy or Lifey Bread?

What would you want if you could actually see it for what it is worth? Moldy Bread or Lifey Bread? Not sure what this means? Read on! or Earlier in Chapter 6, Jesus feeds FIVE THOUSAND or so men, and who knows how many women or children came along, with just five loaves and two…
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What is God’s work?

There is much confusion of what exactly is doing God’s work. So what does Jesus say about it? Let’s see! Then they said to him, “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?”Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” (John 6:28-29, ESV) The work of God…
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Best Thing to do as a Christian in College

What’s the best thing you can do for yourself as a Christian in College? Is it to go to Cru? Be in a Community Group? Go to the Passion Conference? Go on a missions trip? I think all those things are wonderful and beautiful but there is something I believe to be more important and essential…
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The Truth

So the Superbowl was fairly recent. I have no major comments on the game. Probably shouldn’t either because I’m not that big of a football fan, and I’m also not a fan of either of the teams. Anyways, another big part of the Superbowl are the commercials. Even if you don’t like football, you can…
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Take it on another level!

I got into dancing when I was in high school. It started with watching some lock and popping videos on youtube and trying to imitate them in my bathroom. In high school, a bunch of friends got into breakdancing and I got interested in that as well. I started getting into breakdancing but always stayed…
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Reflection and Growth

Dear friends, I hope that you’re all well and I pray for you in Christ Jesus. I’m praying for both truth and grace to be spoken over your life. Winter break is an amazing time and opportunity for you to grow in your faith and I hope that you will not waste this opportunity. I…
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My Roaring 2013!

From pelting friends with snowballs to roller skating with my sisters, my year has come to an end. And I must say, it was a beautiful year, especially for this 22 year old. And yes, I did take the wonderful opportunity to sing Taylor Swift’s song when I hit that wonderful number. Now I must…
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My God is Wonderfully Complex

I spend a good amount of my free time on youtube doing one of two things, finding new music or dance videos. Sometimes, I find some gems and I thought it would be a good idea to share them with you. I’ve recently been reading through Packer’s “Knowing God” which reads like a beautiful devotional…
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1 Thess 1: Faith, Love, and Hope

I want to continue with this slight commentary on 1 Thess since I think it’ll be good for myself to have some of these notes somewhere. I want to continue with the next verses of Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians. We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering…
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Repeat the Sounding Joy!

Okay, music talk right now. Personally, I basically only listen to all things hip hop. I’m still growing on the Christian hip hop thing cuz it’s still fairly new and they’re still working on it. When it comes to contemporary Christian music on the other hand, I feel as if there’s been a lack of…
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