Men, Peasants, and Love?

Men, Peasants, and Love?

I just finished reading “Boy Meets Girl.” Read the final 30 pages in less than an hour. Pretty

 impressive if I must say so myself. So I’ve realized from the past that the stats for my posts about relationship stuff goes through the roof. I wanted to share some thoughts on the book “Boy Meets Girl” and two articles I found. I think all three do a much better job of talking about relationships so I’ll let them do the talking for me.

Boy Meets Girl by Joshua Harris. I think this was a great book about relationships, courting, and marriage. I think he does a great job of setting a biblical and realistic standards for people thinking about, entering, or are in relationships. From my own experience, I think there’s a lot of good stuff in this book and I think it should be read slowly, maybe even each chapter over once or twice so some of the things sink in. I think he does a great job of bringing up important things to think through before beginning a relationship, what one should expect or look for in a partner, what a godly relationship should hopefully look like, and some thought processing for thinking about marriage. I personally would recommend this book to everyone. Single, whether or not you’re thinking about a relationship, or dating, no matter where you in the relationship. If you’re married, congrats on however long you’ve been together. I think there’s a different book for you married peeps.

So I found these next two articles and the funny thing was that they were found on different websites and they’re written by the same author. I read one of these articles and later on landed on the second one, totally jiving with the content and not even knowing they were written by the same person. They’re both authored by AJ Kiesling, author of the book “Where have all the good men gone?” which definitely seems like an interesting book. So without further a due, here they are.
Real Men are “Rough around the edges”

One thing I’ve learned this year is that I’m definitely “rough around the edges.” There are so many things that I learned about myself and my character that I never really realized before. I’m glad that God revealed them to me so that I can bring them up to Him in prayer to take care of them. I’m still a work in process and God’s working on me. She talks about expectations and I appreciate how she talks about how we shouldn’t lower our expectations, but they need to be readjusted to biblical standards. I think having biblical standards for expectations is very important, because if you don’t, you might even hold biblical standards to your own standards, whatever they might be.

Looking for Love Like a Peasant

This one comes from boundless, where most of the relationship articles I find comes from. Its a pretty good website that addresses not just relationships but all parts of life and has a good variety of topics as well. As the title suggests, it’s about the attitude we should have as we look for love. Once again, it’s about biblical standards and expectations and how it relates to us and our hearts and worldview on people and situations. Good read.

That’s it. I’ve got a buttload of other articles about relationships as well as other things that I’ve got hidden somewhere. If you want a full list, just go to my recommendations page and take a look at the link to the my favorite articles page. I still update that thing pretty regularly. Maybe if this post gets some good views, I’ll update more stuff like this.

Let me know your thoughts on the topic, the articles, and whether you agree or disagree.

Poonie out.