I Have Not Been Forgotten

I Have Not Been Forgotten

I really liked this song and video and just wanted to share it with you. Though it’s not the best rap I’ve ever heard or the style I usually listen to or enjoy, I really enjoyed not only the lyrics and the humbleness of everything about it and him, but also the video itself.

I would really encourage you to just sit and listen to the lyrics of the song. It’s slow, so it won’t be that hard haha. But I’m glad that I didn’t just listen to the lyrics and did something else on the internet at the same time. The video was so simple, but it was what the life of a disciple should look like. In the video, he was just being a good and faithful servant and truly being Christ to people around him. And through this he created meaningful and true relationships with people that he meets. And through these relationships, he invites them to his house, opens his home to them, and they have a small group in his home and they pray together. Though the video is short and I’m sure that there should or could have been more but the message is simple enough to get from it.

We don’t have to plan elaborate events or invite people to all these different things. We just have to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. To love them as Christ loved the world and died to save it. And to be intentional about our relationships and about having them know about the most important thing in your life.

This is what my vision and prayer is for all the Christian students at Cornell. To be living life as Christ and being a true disciple, loving people in their own lives, showing them that being a Christian is about focusing our lives on Christ and that through Him we are able to love people. That is my prayer for every single Christian on campus this year.

One Response

  1. Santine says:

    Simple. That’s how it should be. Thanks for sharing!

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