Agnostic Learning Blog

Agnostic Learning Blog

Hey there guys and gals,

I’ve got a friend who is a self proclaimed agnostic who’s currently on a quest to find the “something” that fills an “emptiness” that he talks about. I’ve read the first couple of entries and he just started it this week actually. So he starts off by telling you why he’s doing this and weekly he’ll be giving updates as to what he thinks of the church services that he attends. I’m really interested in anyone’s quest to find a something that’s supposed to fill an emptiness. It just sucks to know that something’s missing from your life. And until you find it, life’s not going to really improve. You can try to fill it with stuff that you find along this journey or quest but it wont really fit and you’ll know it until you find the right “something.” I took a quote from his blog and wanted to show you cuz I thought it was interesting:

Direction. When you (yea, the whole “one” thing is getting annoying and is unnecessarily formal) truly embrace God, you can have direction and purpose in your life, namely loving Him and doing actions that promote His work.

On another note, this love of God is something that everyone can do. Everyone in that church can have an intimate and loving relationship with the most powerful and benevolent “person” in the universe (or multiverse…if you’re Dr. Cooper or Dr. Koothrapally ;).

So, from what I can deduce from the surface, this service seems to provide three fundamental services to each of it’s members: 1) A euphoric sense of pleasure and a comforting feeling of community during the singing; 2) Something to live for; and 3) The most beautiful, powerful, and benevolent person to love. The Pastor, John, apparently concurred with my notions, as he explained how by truly letting go and believing completely in God, one can reap these benefits.

I dont know about you, but I think that’s one of the best observations a person can make about Christianity from one church service. My friend is right, being in this love relationship with God not only means that we get to be in a relationship with Him but also with all of his sons and daughters and we get to love Him together and love each other. We do have something to live for and that’s the creator of the universe who loves us and was willing to die for us. And YES, Jesus is “the most beautiful, powerful, and benevolent person to love.” He got it on the dot. I hope that you’ll take some time to read his entries starting from his first one. I’ll be tuning in to read every week and to see more of what he thinks of everything and his thoughts on this quest.

Check it out:

If you’re a christian, check it out

If you’re not a christian, you have an even better reason to check it out now because he’s going on a “quest” that I honestly think that everyone on earth should be doing actively.