Some goals that I failed

Some goals that I failed

So i decided to mesh some goals together because these are some that i failed to accomplish and other random thoughts

10. I want to grow as a person

11. I want to be more obedient

12. I want to be able to wake up by myself to one alarm

13. I want to control my sleeping habits

I want to grow as a person. Right now I’m a little confused as to what exactly I meant when i first wrote this down because this is very vague. I surely did not grow in width or height. Wish i did though. Food was delicious and I had a decent amount of it everyday. It could also be very deep. In that case, I believe I did grow a lot, I think I developed some more patience. I think I learned how to respect people more. I think I learned how to be more aware of how people are and how to respond to that a little bit. I learned that I should think a bit more about how I speak to people and if the words I speak are even helpful. I definitely believe that I grew in my relationship with God. Learned to love God and people more.

I want to be more obedient. Also a bit confused. I dont know if i meant i wanted to be more like a dog or what? I think writing this so quickly I should have clarified a bit. I think that I wanted to learn to be more obedient to God. A lot of my life is still honestly very selfish. A lot of the things I do are still catered to myself. I think of myself a lot. But I definitely laid a lot of my life down this summer. It opened my heart even more to doing missions work as a vocation. Before, all I could do was “see myself” doing it. But it started to come up as a real possibility and I needed to die to my own desires before I could honestly say that I would be not only willing but happy to be obedient to God and His will for me in my life. Because I know that grace that God has given me was not cheap, it was paid for with the blood of God himself for me. I live because of a costly grace I have and I am willing to give back what is rightfully God’s.

I want to be able to wake up by myself to one alarm. FAIL. I havent attended 9am Organic Chemistry class since the first final. I have about 7 alarms in my room. 5 on my phone, 2 on the alarm clock. I still fail to wake up. People suggested that I go get a wife who will wake me up. lol It’s a work in progress.

I want to control my sleeping habits. FAIL. My schedule over there was not set in stone. I had no on and off hours. No go to work, come from work hours. If i set an appointment with a friend at 11, its on. If I’m going to a place with some friends at 2am, its on. So sleep was never set for me on missions. And I did more of my devotions and reading at night. and the guys spent a good amount of time talking about our day at night, which was when we came back together. I skipped half my classes over there because I was either too lazy or just slept right through them. I’m surprised they passed me. haha.

So yeah, this one is definitely a lot shorter. I’m not perfect, and I’m not trying to be. I know that I am accepted by Christ who perfects me. I don’t have to try to prove how good of a person I am because I’d fail, really badly. But instead I trust in Christ who does all things for me, who’s righteousness I have so that I don’t have to try to live up to God’s standards.

For His Glory,

William Poon