Winter Break Reading List

Winter Break Reading List

I guess one thing I usually do over breaks is some reading.

One book I recently finished and would highly recommend is “In the Name of Jesus” by Henri Nouwen. It’s a beautifully and succinct book on Christian Leadership that I would honestly recommend to not only every Christian Leader but also every Christian. I would also recommend it to non-Christians as he does a great job of sharing what Christians really need to focus on.

sweet little book on Christian Leadership

If you can get the book, read it, read it again, and share with others. I’m not too sure about his other books since this was a recommendation to me. I think it would be good to write some other posts to share some of the stuff that I learned from the book.

As for what I’m reading now!

Bible – Gospel of John and Song of Songs (working through the old testament like a worker on a railroad!)

Hole in our Holiness – pretty good from what I’ve read so far. It’s a bit dense for such a small book. Addresses the doctrine of holiness, what it means, why it’s important, and how as Christians we should address it and apply it in our own lives. Kevin DeYoung is the author and backs up almost every statement with Bible verses because he’s very keen on helping people understand that this is a very biblical topic that is address throughout the entire Bible and not something to be taken lightly. I feel like right now I’m running through the book to get the major ideas and then I’ll go back to get the details.

Blue Like Jazz – Never read it. Heard it’s good. haha

Mere Christianity – Never read it, or anything by CS Lewis, now that I think about it. Don’t laugh. Okay, maybe just a chuckle. Thought this would be such a good place to start. One friend said about this book, “You almost can’t not believe in Christianity after reading this!” (paraphrased of course). But that’s a pretty good endorsement if you ask me.

Chronicles of Narnia – Lol started this while I’m at my mom’s house. It’s pretty good. Might finish this soon if I get the chance to 🙂

I’ve got other books, but I honestly don’t think I’ll get to them so no need to mention it.

Anyone reading anything interesting?

I’ve been watching quite a bit of stuff on Netflix. Just finished Sherlock haha. Might read a Sherlock book this break.